THALES [Miletus, 624-546 BC]
Western philosophy begins in the antiquity roughly at the same time when
Western historiographers began to record history more or less systematically.
This is of course no surprise. We may believe that earlier philosophers have
existed, but their works would have been invariably lost. Historiography was
supposedly invented by the Babylonians, before the Greeks, but we shall leave
this question to the historians and continue with philosophy.
Try to picture the early Greek civilization around 600 BC. Imagine yourself
in a flourishing commercial town at the sunny coast of Ionia. The Greeks traded
intensively with each other and with surrounding nations, thus many Greek
city states accumulated considerable wealth and with it came art, science,
and philosophy. However, there was trouble.
The political climate was afflicting as a consequence of slavery and mercantilism.
Greek cities were often ruled by ruthless tyrants - landowning aristocrats
and superrich merchants who gave little importance to ethical considerations.
Around 585 BC there lived a man in Miletus whose name was Thales, one of the
Seven Wise men of Greece.
Thales had traveled to Egypt to study the science of geometry. Somehow he
must have refined the Egyptian methods, because when he came back to Miletus
he surprised his contemporaries with his unusual mathematical abilities. Thales
calculated the distance of a ship at sea from observations taken on two points
on land and he knew how to determine the height of a pyramid from the length
of its shadow. He became famous for predicting an eclipse in 585 BC.
In spite of his wisdom, Thales was a poor man. The inhabitants of Miletus
ridiculed Thales for his philosophy and asked him what his wisdom is good
for if it can't pay the rent.
"He was reproached for his poverty, which was supposed to show that
philosophy is of no use. According to the story, he knew by his skills in
the stars while it was yet winter that there would be a great harvest of olives
in the coming year; so, having a little money, he gave deposits for the use
of all olive-presses in Chios and Miletus, which he hired at a low price because
no one bid against him.
When the harvest time came, and many were wanted all at once and of a sudden,
he let them out at any rate which he pleased, and made a quantity of money.
Thus he showed the world that philosophers can be rich if they like, but that
their ambition is of another sort." [from "Politics", Aristotle]
Thales was a mathematician rather than a philosopher, but in antiquity there
was no differentiation between the natural sciences and philosophy; instead,
mathematics, philosophy and science were closely related in the works of the
early Greek philosophers.
Most people
remember Thales for his famous theorem about right angles that says: A triangle
inscribed in a semicircle has a right angle (see figure on the left). Although
this might seem a simple observation, Thales was the first one who stated
it and thus started what is now generally known as "deductive science",
the process of deriving suppositions and mathematical statements from observation
by means of logic. Circles and angles were not the only objects Thales was
concerned with. Purportedly he also studied magnetism and electrostatic effects,
however, since none of his own works has survived, we don't know what he may
have found out about them.
Thales was surely an exceptional man, but he was not the only thinker in
ancient Greece whose thoughts were ahead of his time. For instance, the idea
that all forms of substances can be reduced to a few elements and that every
form of matter are made of these elements, is essentially Greek, and was conceived
around the time of Thales.
Thales stated that the origin of all matter is water. Although this sounds
a bit odd, there may be some truth in it. As we know today, the largest constituent
of the universe is hydrogen, which makes two of the three atoms in water (H2O).
The missing oxygen atom was added later when our planet formed. Scientists
believe that liquid water is prerequisite to life, and we know with certainty
that the first life forms flourished in the oceans, so water is indeed a primordial
The Greeks also anticipated a crude version of the concept of modern thermodynamics.
Anaximander (546 BC), a Milesian citizen who lived after Thales, expressed
the following thought: The elements (air, water earth and fire) are in opposition
to each other, each perpetually seeking to increase itself in quantity. Due
to the resulting struggle for dominance, all forms of matter are subject to
continual change. Thus, the elements are constantly transformed into one another,
however, without one element ever gaining preponderance over the others because
of a natural balance.
Anaximenses (494 BC), the third philosopher of Miletus, refined the theory
of the elements later with his original theory of the aggregates: The fundamental
substance, he said, is air. The soul is air, fire is rarefied air, when condensed,
air becomes first water, then if further condensed, earth, and finally stone.
Consequently all differences between different substances are quantitative,
depending entirely upon the degree of condensation.
You may find these ideas strange, but it has to be considered that the early
Greek philosophers lived in an environment where indigenous beliefs and superstitions
prevailed in the spiritual world and the rule of thumb was accepted authority.
Thales was the first who made a difference by introducing deductive, scientific
I would like to end this Thales portrait with a peculiar quote, which shows
the spiritual Thales. He said: "All things are full of Gods," and
left it unexplained.
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